Another day working on the van, well J' is working on the van. I go up to the plateau with him to be of assistance when needed. Yesterday, both calipers were replaced on each side and the tires were rotated.
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Daddy's lazy helpers[/caption]
The van is still pulling to the left when you brake (even after the repairs), so we went and got brake hoses to fix that problem. A little bit into that repair J' had to go back to town, 3 stores later he ended up ordering a part that we'll get tomorrow. We had to re-order the hitch from U-haul because they didn't have the right one - so that should be here in a few days. While we were testing the brakes yesterday we accidentally ran over a base block (before even leaving the plateau) and it ended up breaking off the ground effects on the driver side - haha, so instead of taking those off later, they got taken off today!
[caption id="attachment_1503" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

The middle seats are out, the seat belts in back are coming out right now. Savannah is definitely enjoying the van, she's been in it every single second we've been out here at it. She's tried out every single square inch of the carpet and every seat and her hair proves it.
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The bed tester[/caption]
As for me, I did some maintenance on my tootsies. They needed some TLC. I painted them and put some cute polka dots on them, then a little bit later I laid down with Nanna in the van and totally messed them up so I had to start all over - so I got my nails done today!
Sydney and Dad popped over last night, it was a nice surprise visit. Syd brought me some sprouts - so I'm excited about that, I guess they only take three days and I'll have full-on alfalfa sprouts. My garden is doing pretty amazing. I learned today: I must water every day and not be lazy because my plants are water whores!! One day without water and they start sulking (wilting). So, WATER, WATER, WATER!!! Something else I've learned: Don't bring full packets of seeds outside unless you plan on planting them THAT DAY! Oh, and don't forget to bring the packs of seeds back inside... you never know when rain will bless you with its presence!!! Needless, to say, I brought about 10 packets (all the seeds we had) of different seeds outside, I was going to plant a couple of them. I had a longer day in the garden then planned and got lazy and didn't bring my garden bucket inside. The bucket got rained on and all of the seeds came out of the bottom of the packets & were all over the bottom of the bucket so I dumped it out in the woods. Thirty dollars of seeds - gone! I threw a couple of pumpkin and watermelon seeds in some holes we have and today I saw actual plants coming from them. It's just funny. Hopefully, I'll get a lil' bit of something for my big mistake. Buck gave me some zucchini- they are doing good. My maters are coming along nicely, actually everything is coming along so great!
I'm surprised at myself that I've done this good of a job, it's really hard-long I'm proud of me!
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My Garden[/caption]
So for today, it's been another productive day. It's time to feed the pups and go rinse the sprouts.