Getting a little "tired" of the same scenery, we jumped over to another key. We went from Siesta Key over to Casey Key. Over on Casey Key we found a few more beaches. I think there are three or four beaches all together over here. We decided to see what Nokomis Beach was all about. We drove through the streets and looked at the huge, beautiful houses and dodged many people due to the closeness of the road to lawns/houses!
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After house gawking, we turned around and went back toward the beach. We ventured out onto the "sand" or lack there of, I should say, compared to Siesta. THIS is the beach you come to if you want to shell-hunt! Although I read somewhere later that you are not supposed to take the shells...ummm, what? You are on a beach with shells...where do the stores get them? Anyway...I didn't take any because I knew they would just break or get lost in the van anyway, but it was cool. I can't remember the last time I saw a beach like this, I'm sure I was very young.
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After walking the beach, we headed back to Joon Van, not really the kind of beach we want to lay out at due to the sand sloping at a 45* angle toward the water...haha. We popped over to the other side of the street and found a primo spot right by the drawbridge and marina. The drawbridge pretty much opened into the ocean, so it was awesome to see these boats come through and go on their journey to sea. We also walked under the drawbridge and investigated the area on the other side of where we were. It was just a bunch of little 'sea-cottages' with docks, very cute.
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We frolicked here for a while. J' got his computer out and worked a little bit. I played with Savannah and then I watched a guy fish for a long time. He plopped right beside us in his truck and his chair and ate his peanuts (or whatever they were) and caught little fishies. He was nice though and threw all of them back. I know there was another reason but I'm just gonna go with, he was nice, kay! After J' started feeling cooped up we went over to North Jetty Park to see what we were missing. That was super rad and a great place to spread out and enjoy Florida.
There is a beach, plus an actual Jetty you can walk out on and that's the place to fish if you enjoy that.
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We stayed here for a while after finding it. It is a great place to park and we were able to find a spot where no one bothered us. I know it's January but we still got lucky I think. The spot we had was as close as you can park to the beach with showers (yep, freezing cold showers, but showers), actual bathrooms within sight, we were right underneath this HUGE Oak tree that provided us with shade...thank you Mother Nature! And there was no one around, it was awesome. It was even right by the playground and we were happy to have only one family come and their kids were not that annoying...haha
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I wasn't feeling all that great the 2nd day we were at North Jetty Park so I asked J' if there was any way to put the bed down and open the door, so what did my man do? Just that, he rigged me up a nice little bungalow up in Joon Van. He's so dope! So Nanna and I hung out with fresh breezes and tv 'on' the beach & J' worked right beside me.
☼ Life really couldn't be any harder! ☼
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55- North Jetty by Ayevangabond
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