Sunday, February 3, 2013


A very 'scary' thing happened to me this morning. My computer would not turn on. Well, it turned on but there was nothing screen.  Oh My Goodness! A million things started running through my mind: Our blog, everything I have saved on it, what would I do during the day when there was nothing else to do or everything else was done, I thought of everything I 'needed' to research or look up....All in half of a second a million thoughts...and tears, of course there were tears. My battery started crapping out while we were in Shaver Lake this Fall, it started gradually. My battery notification was on the blitz, my computer just turning off without any warning. I dealt with it by just keeping an eye on the battery icon and plugging it in when it got to about 45% (I found out it shuts off on its own at about 35% with no warning). Then it got to a point where the computer would be on for about 10 minutes, and without warning, it would just turn itself off...grrrrr. Now I can't even turn the darn thing on without having it plugged in first, with the computer reading 0%, plugged in, not charging. Before totally flipping out this morning, J' took a look at it, took it apart, reset it and voila it works again. I love my 'puter and don't want a new one, so I definitely see a new battery in my near future. Let's just hope it hangs on until that happens. All of this happening this morning is what led me to this post. I know I have been 'slackin' on posts lately but it's not because I have forgotten or don't care, we have just been adventuring and some days, I have to admit, are much easier than others. Some days I can sit here and post and catch up all day and others I feel like the entire universe is hanging out on my shoulders, head, belly, feet, get it!? Making it that much harder to want to do anything at all. This morning when my 'puter wouldn't turn on the first thing I thought about was all of you waiting for that next post and how horrible I felt for not being caught up, what if it doesn't work anymore, what if, what if, what if! This is probably just me feeling that feeling of having to be something, be someone...but I still felt bad. I guess I just want you to know that I don't write my blog, just to write it. I want it to be an experience, I want you to want to read's not easy being cheesy, ya know! haha It takes me forever to write just one post including all of the pictures because I want you to feel like you are there with us. I know some of you are on your own journey already or read this because you know us or are our friends, but I know some of you are not 'out here' yet and really want to be and I want to be able to give you something to look forward to....or even something to learn from...or even just laugh at! So know that even when I'm not posting, you all are always on my mind. I'm always taking pics for my peeps...and it also helps me remember what we did that day! I appreciate every single one of you...I hope there's more than one of you! haha I've also made some everlasting friendships just from writing this thank you. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for your insight and for your friendship. I have to say our readers are probably the coolest people I thanks for just being you!

Keep shining bright no matter what your sights are set on and know that no matter what happens, with my computer or anything else, I won't be far behind with an updated post!

Have the most fantastical day ever!

Much Love & Peace



  1. I always look forward to new posts by you and I check daily. As much as I love your blog, write for YOU! Never feel bad or guilty for not posting. This is your journey. The reason for the lifestyle choice is in partpart so you don't have pressure put on you by "the outside world". You know those of us who follow your blog do so because you are you! That's the beauty of it all! Your true friends will always be there! A few times I was going to email you, but with the RTR and Quartzite, I figured you'd be back when the time was right.
    Our van is at the mechanics shop having a new engine installed next week. The house is listed with a realtor and we've had several showings thus far. Spring is just around the corner (after this mega-storm rolls through this weekend....possibly over 2 feet!) and Dennis and I are hoping to do some early spring camping here in New Hampshire or in Vermont. That will give us a nice little "trial run" to see what works, what we need, etc.
    So anyway, do what you gotta do when ya gotta do it. Live your days as you need to and always know there are many of us who are still here and will stick by you.
    Love to you and your tribe!

  2. Thanks Cheryl!! I know I should do for me, but I guess I'm still caught up in the having to do something or be someone for someone else, no matter if it's a stranger or friend.... I'm hoping that dies off a little more as we go through this life! I have a lot of work to do on me and it is so much easier to focus on everyone else! I'm so glad you and Dennis are "on-the-move" and getting a step closer every day! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures and experiences. You can always email me, I don't mind. Now that the RTR is over I don't see going weeks on end without even opening the computer. Keep in touch and send Dennis my hugs. Love ya Cheryl, thanks again!!

  3. KiKi I agree with it for you sweetheart. I read and follow for the 'real' you that we just love to pieces!! You are so hard on yourself...we all have 'those' days. Part of life I suppose. Enjoy your adventure!! Take care of you!!
    With Much Love

  4. Thanks Kitty, been in a funk lately and some days I just feel 'the burden' although it's really no burden at all. I know you know this feeling all too well. It will pass, but thank you for caring my love! I love your new place, it's the tits! Send love to the Mister and Kids! Love you boo!
